Written by Andrelyn Izquierdo.
A writer's guide to the meanings of different types of writing genres for all ages.
Image by Mystic Art from Pixabay.
Fiction -
A creative work of narration, especially in the form of prose, portraying individuals, events, or places that are imaginary; something that is invented or untrue.
Fantasy - Imaginary; includes household folktales, mythology, nursery rhymes, etc.
Horror - Suspenseful thrillers; includes supernatural or religious elements.
Mystery - Problem solving tragedies; includes detective work.
Romance - Riveting; includes love and relationship stories.
Image by Bertvhul from Pixabay.
Nonfiction -
Any document or media content that attempts to convey information using prose writing that is based on facts, real events, and real people. It typically aims to present topics objectively based on historical, scientific, and empirical information; the broadest category of written works.
Autobiography / Biography - Unique artistic versions; a history of someone's life written by the person or someone else.
History - Eye-opening anecdotes; a factual series of personal, experiences.
Essay - Argumentative or Informative; a persuasive or expository narrations.
Image by Michele from Pixabay.
Poetry -
A literary composition or chosen arrangement that uses aesthetic and often rhythmic qualities of language - such as sound symbolism and metre - to evoke meaning and emotion.
Each of the following formats do not have to rhyme.
Haiku - Short & sweet; a Japanese form of poetry that is 3 lines following a syllable count format of 5-7-5.
Free Verse - Rhythmic variety; a modernized poem that may or may not rhyme with as many lines or stanzas the poet prefers to have.
Acrostic - Straight to the point; a prose-style poem that uses the first letter of a vertically lined word, phrase, or message as a line of poetry.
Image by Libracesp from Pixabay.
Drama -
A specific composition in prose or verse in dialogue or pantomime of a story involving conflict or contrast of character, usually in the form of a play for theater, radio, or television. An exciting, emotional, or unexpected series of events or set of circumstances.
Ballet - Moving aspirations; plays interpreted through a highly specialized form of dance.
Mime - Visually inspiring; stories told by shifting movements with the absence of words.
Opera - Emotive audible; singing performance with loud drawn-out musical notes.
Thank you for reading.
Dictionary.com. Drama: https://www.dictionary.com/browse/drama 2/23/23.
Dictionary.com. Fiction: https://www.dictionary.com/browse/fiction 2/23/23.
Dictionary.com. Nonfiction: https://www.dictionary.com/browse/nonfiction 2/23/23.
Merriam-Webster Dictionary. Poetry: https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/poetry 2/23/23.
Oxford Languages Dictionary. Biography: Google Search Biography Meaning 2/23/23.
Oxford Languages Dictionary. Drama: Google Search Drama 2/23/23.
Oxford Languages Dictionary. Fiction: Google Search Fiction 2/23/23.
Oxford Languages Dictionary. Nonfiction: Google Search Nonfiction 2/23/23.
Wikipedia.com. Drama: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Drama 2/23/23.
Wikipedia.com. Fiction: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fiction 2/23/23.
Wikipedia.com. Nonfiction: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Non-fiction 2/23/23.
Wikipedia.com. Poetry: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Poetry 2/23/23.
#literary #genres #writer #resource #guide #literature #fiction #nonfiction #poetry #drama #fantasy #horror #mystery #romance #autobiography #biography #history #essay #haiku #freeverse #acrostic #ballet #mime #play #opera #AndrelynWriting #writing #blog #poet
Happy Writing!
This article is written by:
Andrelyn Izquierdo